10.05.23 acquired tpt licensing for pop up venders booth
10.25.23 lost my 9-5, GOING FULL TIME in the studios, releasing better games, updates, console games. I recently just practice burning a game to a cd for a prototype. and it was SUCCESSFULL!.
working on two pc games atlasmoon :terra and atlas moon:wica, terra is a bit complicated right now, might put that on hold. wica is coming out good, working on the beginning programing for level up progress and saving.
nov.08.23 made my first commission sale, image editing, but got it accomplished, it really inspired me to freelance work making games for people and up scale my art work in 2d and level designing. hey if you know anyone that needs my services, shoot me a message!
<at this moment, im creating ways to further my exposure to the audience to help keep my company alive>
11.10.23 got a walk on job (9-5) at a local resturant to help my friend and the krew, it'll help pay the regular finances for now. keeping business revenue seperate. we're planning on getting a camper van, cargo food trailor to help the studios be mobile and remote, also get into popup vending, help travel and gain exposure to other places.
11.20.23 Launched demo of Atlasmoon: Piranauts game package. can check the page for detail, can donate to support the development.
12.03.23 bought a new office equipment: META QUEST 3 VR for game designing in vr, will do a product review soon. as well as a michael kors $200 double breasted peacoat for the winter. of course business write offs :). hoping next year we can afford a starlight satalite to work remotely.
merry christmas
happy new year
01.05.24 released and relaunched a new template version for preskitt brawlers (pc) console game in full development. pre alpha package ready, finishing touches for the first official patch involves new characters, new level selections. more ways to get characters being implemented/storyboarding. working on cut scenes for characters. making game more interesting.
been working on vlog for youtube!, slowly transitioning over to rumble for they do official monitization.
its snowing today! very beautiful.